Wynward Pointe is an established community, owned and governed by residents through a Home Owners’ Association with a board of directors elected from and by the residents. The board consists of 5 members, each serving 1 – 3 years and new board members elected at the Annual Meeting.
This community is committed to sound financial decisions as well as maintaining and upgrading common areas in order to enhance the value of homes in Wynward Pointe. Through the years, Wynward Pointe has built up an appropriate reserve to protect the investment of home owners and support maintenance/improvements to the community.
Wynward Pointe is a Firewise Community with recommended Firewise community practices to protect the development and individual homes. As a recognized Firewise Community, homeowner insurance rates are excellent.
The Lock Box Program at Wynward Pointe is designed to assist the fire department in gaining access to your home or business in the event no one is home during an emergency. The box is similar in design to a real estate lockbox and the fire department maintains complete control of the access key. The boxes are available at the fire department during business hours for $50.00. Call Keowee Fire District 115 Maintenance Road Salem, SC 29676 864-944-8666;
Additional Wynward Point documents that may be of interest to potential owners: